As well as providing options to export your data to CSV and Excel, BRAHMS is fully integrated with a powerful suite of reporting tools which allow to design your own report templates in RDE and your BRAHMS database. These templates can then be used to produce almost any imaginable report output starting from basic lists and labels to more complex designs with indexes and calculated summaries. Report outputs can be sent directly to your printer or saved to PDF, Word, Excel and other display and exchange formats. It’s satisfying to conquer reporting and it makes your database efforts all the more worthwhile.
A series of demo videos on report design is available in the report section of the training videos section 'Creating Reports'.
Harking back to an earlier version of BRAHMS published in 1996… a short article published in Oxford Plant Systematics 4. Cartoon by Rosemary Wise.
Report examples are given in the Getting Started guide – and full report template design instructions are provided in the BRAHMS manual section ‘Designing reports’. If you need help with a specific report template design, please contact