Here you can find: glossaries and websites providing botanical terms and general knowledge in botany, links to all software used for this cyber-monograph of Caricaceae, and tutorials (developed during my Ph.D.) which may help students and new BRAHMS users to create their own electronic monographs.
Using images to enter data in BRAHMS
Mori, S. A. and Smith, N.P. 2012 onward. The New York Botanical Garden's glossary for vascular plants. Virtual Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York. online
Seed Structure and Anatomy online
Manual of Leaf Architecture - morphological description and categorization of dicotyledonous and net-veined monocotyledonous angiosperms by Leaf ArchitectureWorking Group. 65p. free download
Harris, J.G. & Harris, M.W. 2000. Plant Identification Terminology: An Illustrated Glossary. Spring Lake: Spring Lake Publishing (2nd ed.) 206p.
Glossary of Plant Anatomy Plant Ontology Consortium (POC)
Dictionary of Botany online
Vegetative characters online
Reproductive characters online
Angiosperm Phylogeny website online
Angiosperm Phylogeny poster free download
Evolution of Crop Plants online
BRAHMS v7: Database and website development (freely distributed)
Xper2: identification keys and morphological database (freely distributed)
ImageJ: measurements of morphological traits using images (freely distributed)
Inkscape: vector graphics editor (freely distributed)
GIMP: image manipulation (freely distributed)
Mendeley: reference manager and pdf organizer (freely distributed)
Notepad++: source code editor (supports several languages including HTML, and it isfreely distributed)
DinoCapture: the software is freely distributed, but you may want to acquire a digital microscope first.